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Showing posts with label MiniDV. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Five Simple Ways to Right-Brain Thinking ™ to your child's courage

!±8± Five Simple Ways to Right-Brain Thinking ™ to your child's courage

The idea of ​​the right brain and left brain thinking is a theory for basic research by an American biologist Roger W. Sperry psychologically, in 1960. Dr. Sperry discovered that the two halves of the human brain to process information in very different ways.

The right brain is very visual and intuitive. Right-brain thinkers tend to be the "big picture" more easily and therefore are very visual and processed to see the possibilities of intuitive and conceptual information. That's why so many correctDominant brain are great artists.

The left side of the brain is our word, logical and analytical. Our left hemisphere processes are important for the organization and sequencing information. That's why a lot of right brain thinkers (I have two in my family) have a harder time with the traditional workbooks, and math tests.

Of course both sides of the brain are working together in a very complex way that does not fully understand. The promotion of the right brain to think your child is simple andenrich their lives in many ways, how to grow and develop. It can help your child learn how to do better, be more imaginative and even a musical instrument to play well.

Five simple ways to promote the right brain
Take the coloring books. Give the child an unlimited amount of paper, pencils and crayons. This encourages your child to its form and style to create and "outside the lines to draw." Turn off the TV and computer games and limit the video. TooTV and "consumer electronics" is a killer of creativity. Many children choose to watch TV or Xbox have more positive activities. If the TV is off and the mom says "no Xbox today," which will be forced to do other things (this is the time from art supplies) for research. Do not allow your child to beautiful art, from the beginning of an era. Postcard-size art prints are available in booklets of a particular artist at Dover Publications and can be viewed andhandled by small children. DK guides, and annotated books, great artist Robert Cummings (ISBN 0-7894 to 2391-X), are great books to take care of your children and even surf on the table for them. Keep a fully stocked art / craft closet. Important "staples" are watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, pencils, glue sticks, scissors, clay, brushes of various sizes, many different types of paper such as white for the design, constructionPaper, heavier paper for the large painting. Of course this is just the beginning. Well, you can create your child every day if you want! Be choosy about toys that you provide. Instead of buying toys, not with the child's imagination and creative abilities (electronic games, video games), choose toys such as Lego, Mecano, dress-up clothes (I offer big tub with the game second-hand clothes, shoes , capes, etc.), dolls, etc..

All these ideas are easy to implement and veryoften only a matter of changing habits and routines. Who knows, your child will be the next Monet in training!

Five Simple Ways to Right-Brain Thinking ™ to your child's courage

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